National stereotypes

Hi! Today we will briefly see what a national stereotype is.
Without wasting any time, let's go!

What is a national stereotype? This joins what we said last week. They are invented on the basis of a highly visible characteristic trait of the individual and then it is attributed to the nation as a whole. Like other stereotypes, they are not modifiable, it is even difficult to modify them in because of the unwillingness to change people's mindsets, so too with ignorance - we don't pay attention to reality, we just repeat stereotypes about nations we have never had contact with. 

As we have said before, people guided by stereotypes do not confront beliefs with reality and therefore do not verify the accuracy and truthfulness of the stereotypes they emit and use on a daily basis. When we talk about national stereotypes, we can observe one of their functions which is to present a given nation with the help of characteristic traits that should not be attributed to every citizen - each of us is different and, when we reduce to the general, we attribute to every person a trait with which we perhaps do not identify. For example, consider the stereotype of a Pole who steals. Not all Poles are thieves and such generalizations, when we speak of the entire nation, can provoke outrage and distress among Poles who do not appropriate the good of others. As this opinion has become established among other nations long ago, the Poles cannot get rid of it or neutralize it. This is one of many examples, however, stereotypes can take many forms, from the harmless, mildly offensive to racist or nationalist.

National stereotypes show very well the political position of a given nation in relation to others, because if it has good contact with others, negative stereotypes disappear and are not highlighted about allies, but if the situation politics changes, the situation with stereotypes also changes.

National stereotypes are very common, each of us knows about many nations. However, as we can see, they have the same tendency as others to be difficult to change, which proves that our thinking is limited, so we should ask ourselves if it is a good idea to follow them in everyday life. 

Here is an outline about the sterotype, the next posts about this phenomenon will refer strictly to the examples of stereotypes or examples of French comedies, which ideally show the absurd following stereotypes in life. Bue!


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